
Saturday, February 23, 2013

The First Vixens!

Good Evening ya'll!

Sorry I have not been blogging lately, but this is going to be a long one!  I have had the pleasure of photographing 2 very lovely ladies for the new boudoir site.  They were great sports, and had alot of fun ideas.  This shoot with these girls just goes to show how much fun you can have at a boudoir shoot.  At Va Va Vixen Boudoir, we always want you to relax and just purely have a blast!  This is all about you, and turning you into the Va Va Vixen you have inside you!  Beauty is not found on the outside, but how you present yourself to the world.  So without anymore delays let me introduce to you my first Vixens!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Hey guys,

Welcome back to the blog!  Today, I will be sharing  few amazing boudoir pictures with you.  This girl was a blast to shoot, and such a good sport.   Her images show it!  She has amazing eyes, that see straight through my camera and into your soul!  I love that in a model, when she can just stare me down but still be sexy about it!!  Hope you enjoy!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hey boudoir fans!!  I will be launching the new FB page, and hopefully website this week!!!  I have a shoots planned for this weekend, and this will bring everything together!!  You will be able to see and hear from me, and my partner George abotu how we work, why we do it, and why we love boudoir so much!!  You will not want to miss this!!  Stay tuned!!
And here is something to keep you busy for now!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hey there Vixen fans!!  Here is a look into what you can expect from Va Va Vixen Boudoir!!  This is a video I have made from one of my shoots.  I offer this service with any session, but your video will be completely about you!!  Enjoy!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Welcome to the brand new Va Va Vixen Boudoir blog!!  I hope that everyone is ready for a long ride!!  I have created this blog in hopes of bringing the true meaning of boudoir, to bring class, and sensuality to women all across my area and beyond!!  Boudoir is gravely mistaken by many many people as wrong, pornographic, exploitation of women's definitely NOT!!!   Va Va Vixen only brings out the best in every women, and expresses her personality through her photographs.  Va Va Vixen would NEVER post pictures, videos, or anything else without the written consent of their clients, and they proof everything before posting!!   I hope that you like the new blog, facebook page, and youtube page!!  However, if you do not like seeing lace and lingerie, please do not visit my sites.  I am a boudoir photographer, and that is what we do!!  So please save me, and yourself a headache and do not visit if you are against boudoir photography.  And here is the first picture to start the blog off!!  Enjoy!!